Our ingredients, where they come from,

how they work and their benefits!


By purpose:


Montmorency Tart Cherry Extract

These tart cherries naturally contain melatonin, the sleep hormone that signals to your body it's time to hit the hay. This concentrated extract is an extremely effective compound to help you fall asleep faster and wake up well-rested.

Good for:
  • Supports the body's natural sleep-wake cycle
  • Regulates melatonin levels for better sleep quality
  • Ideal for combating insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Promotes restful sleep for overall well-being

Used In:



Passion Flower Extract

This vibrant flower has been used for centuries to calm the mind and body. It increases levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that dials down brain activity, leading to improved sleep quality as you drift off feeling relaxed.

Good for:
  • Naturally calms the mind and body for easier sleep onset
  • Reduces anxiety and restlessness before bedtime
  • Encourages deep, uninterrupted sleep cycles
  • Suitable for occasional sleeplessness or long-term use

Used In:



Valerian Root Extract

Grandma's herbal sleep remedy has some serious science behind it. Valerian naturally boosts GABA to quiet racing thoughts while lowering anxiety levels, making it easier to catch those zzz's.

Good for:
  • Alleviates insomnia and sleep difficulties
  • Promotes a sense of tranquillity and relaxation
  • Improves sleep quality and duration
  • Beneficial for those with high stress or anxiety levelsUsed in:
  • Sweet Sleep

Used In:



Magnesium BisGlycinate

This form of the relaxing mineral magnesium gets top marks for absorption. Once it reaches the brain, it helps regulate melatonin production and GABA activity for deeper, more restorative sleep.

Good for:
  • Supports melatonin production for healthy sleep patterns
  • Enhances GABA activity for a calm, relaxed state
  • Replenishes magnesium levels for restorative sleep
  • Suitable for occasional or long-term sleep supportUsed in:
  • Sweet Sleep

Used In:



N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine

This amino acid is the building block for dopamine, the motivating neurotransmitter that helps drive focus and mental energy. More tyrosine means more dopamine fuel for laser-sharp concentration.

Good for:
  • Boosts dopamine levels for heightened focus and concentration
  • Combats mental fatigue and brain fog
  • Enhances cognitive performance under stress
  • Ideal for demanding tasks or mentally taxing situations

Used In:



Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract

This brain-boosting fungus contains compounds that stimulate nerve growth factor, which helps rebuild and protect the neuron connections vital for focus, memory, and cognitive performance

Good for:
  • Stimulates nerve growth factors for optimal brain function
  • Supports cognitive abilities, including focus and memory
  • Promotes mental clarity and sharpness
  • Beneficial for students, professionals, and active individuals

Used In:



Polygala Tenuifolia Extrac

This ancient Chinese herb has some modern cognitive benefits. As a natural monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), it blocks the breakdown of focus-enhancing neurotransmitters like dopamine to keep their levels elevated.

Good for:
  • Naturally elevates dopamine levels for improved focus
  • Enhances concentration and attention span
  • Supports cognitive performance and productivity
  • Suitable for those with demanding mental tasks

Used In:



Ginkgo Biloba Extract

By improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, this extract from the oldest tree species on Earth helps to fire up neural activity for sharper focus and mental clarity.

Good for:
  • Improves blood flow and oxygenation to the brain
  • Enhances mental alertness and focus
  • Supports cognitive function and brain health
  • Beneficial for students, professionals, and active individuals

Used In:



Alpinia Galanga Extract

This ginger relative ramps up brain levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a protein that encourages the growth of new brain cells and neural connections for peak cognitive prowess. It also helps provide cognitive energy too!

Good for:
  • Boosts BDNF levels for optimal brain function
  • Enhances mental energy and cognitive performance
  • Supports focus, concentration, and productivity
  • Ideal for demanding tasks or mentally taxing situations

Used In:




This amino acid, found naturally in green tea, hits a calming double play by increasing GABA levels to quiet the mind while also boosting dopamine for a relaxed-yet-alert state of focused calm.

Good for:
  • Induces a state of calm alertness without drowsiness
  • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
  • Supports focus and concentration under pressure
  • Ideal for managing anxiety and promoting mental clarity

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Vitamin B6 (as P-5-P)

The active P-5-P form of B6 is a key nutrient for manufacturing neurotransmitters involved in focus, memory, and mental energy. Stay topped up to power through demanding cognitive tasks.

Good for:
  • Supports neurotransmitter production for focus and alertness
  • Enhances cognitive function and mental clarity
  • Combats fatigue and mental fogginess
  • Suitable for students, professionals, and active individuals

Used In:



Lemon Balm Extract

With its bright, lemony scent, this herb has been relieving stress since the Middle Ages. It gently lifts anxiety by modulating GABA activity to induce a sense of tranquility.

Good for:

Good for: 

  • Naturally calms the mind and lifts anxiety
  • Promotes a sense of tranquillity and relaxation
  • Supports healthy stress response and resilience
  • Suitable for managing daily stressors and occasional anxiety

Used In:



Ashwagandha Extract

This potent adaptogenic herb helps your body's ability to handle stress. It balances cortisol levels and shields neurons from oxidative damage to promote zen-like resilience.

Good for:

Good for: 

  • Balances cortisol levels and supports stress resilience
  • Protects neurons from oxidative stress
  • Promotes a sense of calm and well-being
  • Beneficial for managing chronic stress and anxiety

Used In:



Reishi Mushroom Extract

Used for centuries in Eastern medicine, reishi contains triterpenoids that can ease anxiety and lift mood by exerting calming effects on the innate immune system.

Good for:
  • Good for:
    Exerts calming effects on the immune system
  • Supports a balanced stress response
  • Reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation
  • Suitable for managing stress, anxiety, and restlessness

Used In:



Magnesium L-Threonate

While other forms get stuck in the bloodstream, this brain bioavailable form of magnesium easily crosses protective barriers to optimize magnesium levels in the brain for enhanced relaxation.

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Optimises magnesium levels in the brain
  • Promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety
  • Supports healthy stress response and resilienceIdeal for managing stress, tension, and restlessness

Used In:



Reduced Glutathione

As the body's master antioxidant, this bioavailable form helps neutralize free radicals, toxins, and oxidative stressors that burden the immune system and leave you run down.

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Neutralises oxidative stressors that burden the immune system
  • Supports overall antioxidant defence
  • Enhances immune cell function and activity
  • Suitable for immune support and protection

Used In:



Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract

Loaded with immunity-boosting beta-glucans, turkey tail is like a supercharged support system for pathogen-fighting white blood cells and other first responders of immune defense.

Good for:
  • Good for:
    Rich in beta-glucans for immune stimulation
  • Strengthens immune cells and defensive responses
  • Supports overall immune function and resilience
  • Beneficial for maintaining robust immunity

Used In:



Astragalus Root Extract

This adaptogenic root veggie has been fortifying immune systems for over 2,000 years. It optimizes immune function to increase your body's resilience against infections and illness.

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Adaptogenic properties enhance stress resilience
  • Optimises immune function and response
  • Supports the body's natural defences
  • Suitable for immune support and protection

Used In:



Elderberry Extract

When cold and flu season strikes, elderberries bring their A-game of anthocyanin antioxidants to soothe symptoms and give your immune response an antiviral boost.

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Rich in anthocyanins for immune support
  • Soothes symptoms of colds and flu
  • Boosts the immune system's antiviral response
  • Beneficial for maintaining robust immunity

Used In:



Vitamin C

As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is a heavy hitter when it comes to enhancing immune cell performance and function. It's a real knockout for knocking out sickness.

Good for:
  • Good for:
    Powerful antioxidant for immune protection
  • Enhances immune cell activity and performance
  • Supports the body's natural defences
  • Suitable for immune support and protection

Used In:



Zinc Picolinate

This highly bioavailable zinc activates different immune responses to stave off pathogens. It's a crucial nutrient for keeping white blood cells and antibodies as well as supporting melatonin synthesis to get your sleep-wake patterns back on track for quality shuteye.

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Activates immune responses and supports immune function
  • Zinc deficiency = Poor sleep cycles
  • Enhances immune function for better resilience
  • Versatile mineral for sleep, immunity, and overall well-being

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Derived from plants like birch trees and corn, this sweet substance improves oral and tooth health unlike numerous sugars. 

Good for:
  • Good for: 
    Reduces cavity-causing bacteria
  • Increases saliva flow to strengthen enamel
  • Reduces plaque buildup
  • Promotes a clean and fresh mouth

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